Can you still feel me?

I havn´t forgot about you. I just never talk about what happend. What´s the use? It´s over, you´r gone. You´ll never come back and I´ll never see your beautiful face again. I miss you, I sure do. But what´s the use? I think about you, somethimes much, but I never talk about you. When someone seldome asks, I change the subject. You where my love, and we could have been more than that, but you died.
If you´r still up there and are watching over me, I don´t have to do anything else than forever love you. And I´ll do. But no one´ll ever know. It´s just you and me - forever.
I thought it would be harder by now. But it feels okey. I can´t emagine how it would be if you were still here, maby we would still be a couple, or maby just friends. Or nothing at all?
But it doesn´t matter, you´ll never come back to me, you´re in a, perhaps, better place. I´ll live my life to the end and make the best of it that I can, for you. And then, I´ll come to you.
Meanwhile, I´ll just keep you in my heart, and remember your love.


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